Tuesday, July 12, 2011

History Universitas Syiah Kuala

UNSYIAH, is a manifestation of the will of the people of Aceh to have a state institution of higher education, as it never existed and evolved in the past.

In the reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda, the Kingdom of Aceh has been a center of science are well known. Students and faculty come from all over the world, such as the Sultanate of Turkey, Iran, and India. Kuala Shiites, whose name ditabalkan at public universities in the Veranda of Mecca, is a leading Indonesia scholar named Tunku Abdur Rauf Singkili As in the sixteenth century, famous both in the field of science or religious law.

In 1957, the beginning of Aceh Province is formed, the leaders of local government in Aceh, among others, by Governor Ali Hasjmy, Lord of War Lieutenant Colonel H. Syamaun Ghaharu and Major T. Hamza Treasurer and supported the authorities, scholars, clerics, and other politicians have agreed to lay the groundwork for regional education development in Aceh.

April 21, 1958, the Foundation for Welfare Fund Aceh (YDKA) was formed with the goal of development held in order to realize the spiritual and temporal welfare and happiness of society. YDKA initially chaired by Regent M. Husen, Chief of the General Administration Office of the Governor at the time, which was then headed by Governor Ali Hasjmy. YDKA put together a program include:
a. Founded the village schoolchildren / students in the provincial capital city and every county in the region of Aceh.
b. Pursue the establishment of a University for the Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.

Consistent with the idea, dated June 29, 1958, Lord of War Special Region of Aceh established planners and CREATOR CITY COMMISSION STUDENT / STUDENT. Commission which is seen as siblings YDKA this commission has the task as creators, thinkers body, and inspiration for YDKA, so the commission is seen as a major capital construction of the township learners / students.

The Commission is chaired by Governor Ali creator Hasjmy and Lt. Col. T. Hamzah as vice chairman. The first results of his work is creating a name for the city DARUSSALAM student / student, and the Shiite KUALA for University set up.
So various attempts were made by the joint commission YDKA Creator to realize development and UNSYIAH Darussalam.

Determination of the government and the people of Aceh to rebuild Aceh's education, has been firmly entrenched in the chest, so a year later, on August 17, 1958 has held a groundbreaking ceremony of the student / student (KOPELMA) by the Minister of Religious Darussalam KH Mohd. Ilyas on behalf of central government, a week later followed by laying the first stone building in Darussalam conducted by Minister Prof. MDD. Dr. Priyono.

A year later the wishes and aspirations of the Acehnese to have a college has become a reality. City Students Darussalam President Sukarno was officially opened on 2 September 1959, accompanied by the unveiling monument Darussalam and the official opening of the first faculty of the Syiah Kuala University, the Faculty of Economics. September 2, is further designated as Education Day Region of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, which is commemorated every year by the people of Aceh, the day which implies the revival of education in this area.

At the opening and inauguration Kopelma Darussalam, the President stated that as an education center Darussalam Aceh is a symbol of a peaceful climate and atmosphere of unity, cooperation between the people and leaders of Aceh, as well as capital development and progress in particular areas of Aceh, and Indonesia generally.

History has proven that determination has been manifest ideals into reality, and this fact has been immortalized in a sketch on Tugu Darussalam through the handwriting of a state leader.
From then on, all components of the Acehnese people come to devote thought and effort and work hand in hand in building that foundation Darussalam Syiah Kuala University. Police, soldiers, employees, schoolchildren, people around the village of Darussalam worked together to participate with full sincerity to establish and donate the labor for the construction of Darussalam, which is seen as the "Heart Rakyat Aceh".

Unsyiah embryo that starts from the Faculty of Economics, followed by the formation of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science in 1960. Unsyiah, as a new university was formally declared on June 21, 1961 through Ministerial Decree No. PTIP. 11 of 1961 and Presidential Decree No. pengesahaannya through. 161 April 24, 1962. Along with the opening of SK Unsyiah, it also opened the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, and Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge.

Unsyiah development continued with the establishment of the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. In addition to the grade 8 pieces Faculty Strata 1, until now Unsyiah has professional programs for physicians and veterinarians, diploma 3 (D-III) Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, diploma 2 (D-II PGSD) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, S1 Extension Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Agriculture, and the parallel classes S1 FKIP.

In addition, Syiah Kuala also has opened his Master's degree programs (PPs) Master in Economics and Development Studies (IESP), Master in Management (MM), Conservation of Land Resources (KSDL), Education Management (MP), and Master of Engineering (MT ). In the academic year 1998/1999, Syiah Kuala University has received a new student to the Doctoral Program (S3) in the field of economics.

Since its founding, Unsyiah successively led by Colonel M. Jasin as Pj. President, Drs. Marsuki Nyak Man as chairman of the Presidium, Drs. A. Madjid Ibrahim as the Rector, Prof. onwards. Dr. Ibrahim Hasan, MBA., Prod. Dr. Abdullah Ali, M.Sc., Dr.. M. Basyah Ali Amin, MA., Prof.. Dr. Dayan Dawood, MA., Prof.. Dr. Abdi A. Wahab, M.Sc. and now under the leadership of Prof. Unsyiah. Dr. Darni M. David, M.A