Monday, May 16, 2011

Gadjah Mada University

Gadjah Mada University was formally established on December 19, 1949 and is a national university. In addition, Gadjah Mada University also serves as carrier of Pancasila and the University of supervisors in Indonesia

At the time of its founding, the University of Gadjah Mada University has only six faculty, now has 18 faculty and a Graduate program (S-2 and S-3). Gadjah Mada University, including the oldest university in Indonesia, located on Campus Bulaksumur Yogyakarta. Most of the faculty in the University of Gadjah Mada University consists of several departments / sections and / or program of study. Gadjah Mada University activities set forth in the form of Tri Dharma College consisting of Education and Teaching, Research and Community Service.