Monday, May 16, 2011

History of the University of Indonesia

From the perspective of substantive, the agency established by Government Decree No. 22 dated January 2, 1849 and further education began in January 1851 with the name: "Java Doctor School" (Doctor java school).

STOVIA closed in 1927 at the age of 75 years, as his successor, College of Medicine was established in 1927 complement the presence of four other high schools in several cities. The four schools include the College of Engineering at Bandung (1920), School of Law in Batavia (1924) and the College of Letters and Culture in Batavia (1929).
 In 1950 through a series of "tension" between the Nationalists with a Master's Professor of the Netherlands, Universiteit van Indonesie eventually changed its name to "University of Indonesia. " Higher Education has several faculty in several cities including Jakarta (Medicine, Law, Literature and Culture), Bandung (Technical), Bogor (Agricultural), Surabaya (Dentistry), and Napier (Economics).
In 2000 the University of Indonesia became one of Higher Education with the status of legal entity in Indonesia and this started the implementation of the idea of ​​autonomy of the campus that includes two terms as follows: First, the autonomy in terms of academic development. Second, is the autonomy of financial management. Autonomy gives space for the University of Indonesia to develop and play a fundamental role in the era of knowledge-based society.
In this regard the University of Indonesia as a "universe", should have the capacity to become the motor of civilization and humanity achieve "progress" are not neglected in the balance between academic orientation values ​​with morality and art. Thus, civilization, nation and humanity in this Republic in the future should be characterized by the creation of progress, civilization, prosperity, justice, peace, democracy, and balance and environmental sustainability.