Tuesday, July 12, 2011


To realize the vision and mission that has been formulated above, the objectives need to be formulated based on relevance, academic atmosphere, internal management, sustainability, and efficiency. UM formulated objectives are:

1. Equity and Access Expansion:

Develop programs of academic education, vocational, and professional
Increasing institutional capacity in order to increase their capacity.
Develop partnerships with schools to produce quality graduates.
Increasing cooperation with provincial governments, counties, and cities to develop education and teaching, research, and community service.
Students through scholarships, soft loans, vouchers, and research assistance.
Expanding opportunities for lifelong learning through non-formal education.
Develop information and communication technology (ICT) as a means of distance learning.
Increasing the role of community and alumni in providing education at UM

2. Quality, Relevance and Competitiveness:

Develop quality standards in a sustainable academic
Improve supervision and quality assurance are programmed through an internal quality assurance, self-evaluation, and monitoring and evaluation system
Improve the relevance of the curriculum and the quality of learning
Enhance and utilize information and communication technology (ICT) in education
Developing life skills education tailored to the needs of learners.
Enhance creativity, entrepeneurship, and student leadership.
Improving the quality of education through certification programs and competency.
Improving the quality of teachers and through degree and non-degree education in the country and abroad.
Improve facilities / infrastructure to meet the quality standard of education.
Enhance cooperation with partner institutions and alumni at home and abroad.
Increase the number and quality of research and development, scientific activities, and publications.
Increasing the number of patents and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
Increasing the role of institutions in applying science, technology, and art to enhance welfare and competitiveness of society.
Increasing confidence in the municipality / district or institution of primary and secondary education providers of formal and nonformal.
3. Strengthening Governance, Accountability, and Public Imagery:

    Improve organizational management-bagaan clamp.
Improving human resources management system
Increasing the capacity and competence in the field of management officials of higher education
Improving the regulatory arrangement and law enforcement education.
Enhance the image and public service through various media.
Develop an integrated SIM (academic, student affairs, finance, assets, staffing, and other data).


University of Malang (UM) which has a sensitivity to global developments, national, regional, local and want to contribute maximally to the development is mainly through education, research, and application of science and technology to society.
For that vision, mission and objectives of the institution need to be formulated more strictly in order to be used as guidance in the implementation of the development.

UM's vision is to make UM as a superior college who care about human values ​​and a reference in the field of educational development, science, technology, and art.


Mission carried UM are:

     Organizing higher education with due respect to equity and expanding access for the community.
     Improve the quality, relevance and competitiveness through education and learning, research and science development, and community service
     Build a healthy organization within the framework of strengthening governance, transparency, and public image towards the autonomous colleges.


UM comes from the College of Teacher Education (PTPG) which was inaugurated by the Minister of Education, Teaching and Culture,
Prof.. Mr. Muhammad Yamin on October 18, 1954 based on the Decree No. 38742/Kab September 1, 1954. Simultaneously it also commissioned Prof. Sutan Adam Bakhtiar as the first Rector PTPG Malang.

At its inception, PTPG Malang has five majors. This pioneering majors include majors:

    Language and Literature Indonesia
    English Language and Literature
    History and Culture
    Sure Nature

Lectures held at the high school building Bunder Square. A year later, the date of June 20, 1955, PTPG own building which was originally a "Hotel Splendid" at Jl. Tumapel 1, Malang.

On 10 November 1954, established a new university in East Java is the University of Airlangga (Airlangga University) in Surabaya. Consequently, based on the PP. 71 In 1958 PTPG formally changed the status and name to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) Airlangga University.

In 1958, for services Sarjono father of former Mayor of Malang, the institute is to get a piece of land, which is then built campus located on Jl. 5 Malang Semarang.

In the early days of this agency in great need of outside assistance to complete the facilities and infrastructure. A noteworthy contribution in those days, among others, from:

    Ford Foundation in the form:
        Scholarships sending lecturers overseas
        Some laboratory facilities
        Library books
    Government of Japan through the Colombo Plan
    Sie Twam Tjing (Samsi), owner of Bentoel cigarette factory in Malang, a modern cafeteria that provides assistance at the time

On January 3, 1963, outgoing Minister of Higher Education and Science No. 35 of 1964 which stipulates that IKIP Malang has branches as follows:

    In Surabaya (derived from the branch FKIP Airlangga University)
    In Madiun (derived from Airlangga University Guidance and Counseling Branch)
    Singaraja (Guidance and Counseling from the University of Udayana)
    In Kupang / Endeh (Guidance and Counseling from the University of Nusa Cendana)

On the day Tuesday, May 20, 1964 held at the building dedication ceremony was held SKMAN IKIP Malang Malang which also means apart from Airlangga University.

From the results of the reorganization, IKIP MALANG has four faculties which include:

    Faculty of Education (FIP)
    Teaching Faculty of Literature and Art (FKSS)
    Teachers college of Social Sciences (FKIS)
    Teaching Faculty of the exact sciences (FKIE)

While the Faculty of Technical Teachers' Training College (FKT) was born after a year of reorganization. Next, the name and the term faculty who have held national adjustment in 1982. FIP has not changed, FKSS into the Faculty of Education Language and Arts (FPBS), FKIS to the Faculty of Social Sciences of Education (FPIPS), FKIE into the Faculty of Education Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FPMIPA), and FKT into the Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education (FPTK ).

On March 23, 1968 some faculty IKIP MALANG branch handed over to the new parent. Branch submitted to the University of Jember, Jember. Singaraja branch to the University of Udayana. Branch Endeh to Kupang and Nusa Cendana University. Surabaya branch eventually became a stand alone IKIP Surabaya (now State University of Surabaya).

In terms of academic, PTPG start of the level of education "baccalaureate" (Bachelor) with a time of 3-year study. Then in 1959 opened up ladder "doctoral" or Acarya (Bachelor) with 2-year study period. After several years through a phase of consolidation, in 1968 finally opened the program "post graduate" (Doctoral program) majoring in education as the first majors. Subsequently in 1982 the program is refined into Graduate Faculty of the Master program (S2) and doctoral (S3). In 1990, the name was changed to Graduate Faculty of the Graduate School (PPS).

In 1992 the program changed their status to D2 PGSD new courses under the auspices of the FIP, namely the Diploma 2 Primary School Teacher Education. In 1993 established two new courses, namely:

    Undergraduate Education in Indonesian Elementary School FPBS
    Undergraduate Mathematics Education in Primary Schools FPMIPA

And in 1994 established six new courses, namely:

    Diploma in a Electrical Engineering Education
    A Diploma of Technical Education Automotive
    Diploma 3 Education Electrical Skills
    Automotive Skills Diploma 3 Education
    Diploma 3 Education Skills Metal Work
    3 Diploma of Education Building Skills in FPTK

In the second semester of 1994/1995, PPS to open two new courses, namely:

    Masters Program in Mathematics Education
    Master Program in Chemical Education

In 1998/1999 UM has received 14 new students for new courses nonkependidikan, consisting of:

    7 undergraduate programs, namely:
        Language and Literature Indonesia
        English Language and Literature
        Visual Communication Design (DKV)
    7 3 Diploma program are:
        English for Business (Home for Business)
        Civil Engineering and Building
        Electronics Engineering
        Electrical Engineering
        Tata Clothing

Year 1999 / 2000 to open six new courses, consisting of:

    4 courses nonkependidikan, namely:
        Sport Science (S1)
        Management (S1)
        Marketing Management (D3)
        Accounting (D3)
    2 educational courses, namely:
        German Language Education (S1)
        Dance Education (S1)

Year 2000/2001 to open a new course nonkependidikan, namely Psychology (S1), and in 2004/2005 opening nonkependidikan Science History course and an educational program of study that is PGSD (S1), the year 2005/2006 opens two courses namely Accounting nonkependidikan (S1) and Economic and Development Studies; in 2006/2007 to open an educational program of study is Education Automotive Engineering (S1), 2006/2007 to open an educational program of study that is Vocational Education (S2), in 2007/2008 to open three educational courses ie Technical Education Information (S1), Education Catering (S1), and Tata Education Clothing (S1); in 2008/2009 opened 3 PG courses early childhood (S1), Game Animation (D3), Electrical Engineering Education (S1), and established the Faculty of Sport Sciences (FIK); year 2009/2010 established the Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS), open the program of study Special Education (S1) and Libraries (D3)

Based on Presidential Decree No. 93 of 1999 stipulates that IKIP MALANG turned into the State University of Malang (UM) and by Decree No. Director General of Higher Education. 143/DIKTI/Kep / 2000 UM has five faculties, namely Faculty of Education (FIP), Faculty of Letters (FS), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Natural Sciences), Faculty of Economics (FE), and the Faculty of Engineering (FT), and 1 Graduate Program (PPS).

sources; http://www.um.ac.id

Purpose Syiah Kuala University

Improve the performance as a national university that excels.
     Control, develop and utilize science and technology relevant to national development objectives to realize the program of study, research, institution building and human resource management (HRM) academic berhasila efficient and effective.
     Establish a scientific community that is responsible and disciplined national, devoted, to God Almighty, sound science and technology, as well as the norms of democracy.
     Develop and nurture the life of the academic community supported by a culture of high menunjung scientific truth, open, critical, creative, innovative and responsive to changing national and global levels.
     Improving the quality of facilities, infrastructure, facilities and technology to support the realization of the university's vision and can realize a healthy academic atmosphere and beneficial to society.
     Cultivate and establish cooperation with government, industry and higher education institutions both within and outside the country.

Mission And Vision Syiah Kuala University


Making Syiah Kuala as one of the leading universities in Southeast Asia in the development of science and technology, producing quality graduates and menunjung high moral values ​​and ethics.


1. Provide education and quality teaching to produce graduates who are qualified as experts, researchers and thinkers to take advantage of the widest application of technology for the development of science.

2. Develop cultural and research system to produce a quality research product and benefit the community.

3. Developing institutional collaboration in the acceleration of development to become an independent university.

4. Improving the quality of university management as well as continued efforts to support the activities and services through the application of the principles of accountability, transparency and participatory, characterized by good governance.

5. Promote community service based on greater social responsibility.

Symbols Universitas Syiah Kuala

SYMBOL Syiah Kuala University

Posts UNSYIAH, a dedication to the people of Aceh to commemorate the services and devotion dharma Teungku Sheikh Abdur Rauf, who is more fondly known as Kuala Teungku Shiites. A Muslim scholar who made ​​a symbol of education and perseverance in exploring science to seek the truth.
Tugu Darussalam, symbol of peace and unity, ideals mirror the proclamation and soul of August 17, 1945.
Dome, symbolizing the Oneness of Almighty God, as a vital element in the lives of the people of Aceh and Indonesia.
Seleupok flower, symbol of honor and the sanctity of the ideals of education.
Five leaves encircling the logo, reflects the basic state of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila.

History Universitas Syiah Kuala

UNSYIAH, is a manifestation of the will of the people of Aceh to have a state institution of higher education, as it never existed and evolved in the past.

In the reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda, the Kingdom of Aceh has been a center of science are well known. Students and faculty come from all over the world, such as the Sultanate of Turkey, Iran, and India. Kuala Shiites, whose name ditabalkan at public universities in the Veranda of Mecca, is a leading Indonesia scholar named Tunku Abdur Rauf Singkili As in the sixteenth century, famous both in the field of science or religious law.

In 1957, the beginning of Aceh Province is formed, the leaders of local government in Aceh, among others, by Governor Ali Hasjmy, Lord of War Lieutenant Colonel H. Syamaun Ghaharu and Major T. Hamza Treasurer and supported the authorities, scholars, clerics, and other politicians have agreed to lay the groundwork for regional education development in Aceh.

April 21, 1958, the Foundation for Welfare Fund Aceh (YDKA) was formed with the goal of development held in order to realize the spiritual and temporal welfare and happiness of society. YDKA initially chaired by Regent M. Husen, Chief of the General Administration Office of the Governor at the time, which was then headed by Governor Ali Hasjmy. YDKA put together a program include:
a. Founded the village schoolchildren / students in the provincial capital city and every county in the region of Aceh.
b. Pursue the establishment of a University for the Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.

Consistent with the idea, dated June 29, 1958, Lord of War Special Region of Aceh established planners and CREATOR CITY COMMISSION STUDENT / STUDENT. Commission which is seen as siblings YDKA this commission has the task as creators, thinkers body, and inspiration for YDKA, so the commission is seen as a major capital construction of the township learners / students.

The Commission is chaired by Governor Ali creator Hasjmy and Lt. Col. T. Hamzah as vice chairman. The first results of his work is creating a name for the city DARUSSALAM student / student, and the Shiite KUALA for University set up.
So various attempts were made by the joint commission YDKA Creator to realize development and UNSYIAH Darussalam.

Determination of the government and the people of Aceh to rebuild Aceh's education, has been firmly entrenched in the chest, so a year later, on August 17, 1958 has held a groundbreaking ceremony of the student / student (KOPELMA) by the Minister of Religious Darussalam KH Mohd. Ilyas on behalf of central government, a week later followed by laying the first stone building in Darussalam conducted by Minister Prof. MDD. Dr. Priyono.

A year later the wishes and aspirations of the Acehnese to have a college has become a reality. City Students Darussalam President Sukarno was officially opened on 2 September 1959, accompanied by the unveiling monument Darussalam and the official opening of the first faculty of the Syiah Kuala University, the Faculty of Economics. September 2, is further designated as Education Day Region of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, which is commemorated every year by the people of Aceh, the day which implies the revival of education in this area.

At the opening and inauguration Kopelma Darussalam, the President stated that as an education center Darussalam Aceh is a symbol of a peaceful climate and atmosphere of unity, cooperation between the people and leaders of Aceh, as well as capital development and progress in particular areas of Aceh, and Indonesia generally.

History has proven that determination has been manifest ideals into reality, and this fact has been immortalized in a sketch on Tugu Darussalam through the handwriting of a state leader.
From then on, all components of the Acehnese people come to devote thought and effort and work hand in hand in building that foundation Darussalam Syiah Kuala University. Police, soldiers, employees, schoolchildren, people around the village of Darussalam worked together to participate with full sincerity to establish and donate the labor for the construction of Darussalam, which is seen as the "Heart Rakyat Aceh".

Unsyiah embryo that starts from the Faculty of Economics, followed by the formation of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science in 1960. Unsyiah, as a new university was formally declared on June 21, 1961 through Ministerial Decree No. PTIP. 11 of 1961 and Presidential Decree No. pengesahaannya through. 161 April 24, 1962. Along with the opening of SK Unsyiah, it also opened the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, and Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge.

Unsyiah development continued with the establishment of the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. In addition to the grade 8 pieces Faculty Strata 1, until now Unsyiah has professional programs for physicians and veterinarians, diploma 3 (D-III) Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, diploma 2 (D-II PGSD) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, S1 Extension Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Agriculture, and the parallel classes S1 FKIP.

In addition, Syiah Kuala also has opened his Master's degree programs (PPs) Master in Economics and Development Studies (IESP), Master in Management (MM), Conservation of Land Resources (KSDL), Education Management (MP), and Master of Engineering (MT ). In the academic year 1998/1999, Syiah Kuala University has received a new student to the Doctoral Program (S3) in the field of economics.

Since its founding, Unsyiah successively led by Colonel M. Jasin as Pj. President, Drs. Marsuki Nyak Man as chairman of the Presidium, Drs. A. Madjid Ibrahim as the Rector, Prof. onwards. Dr. Ibrahim Hasan, MBA., Prod. Dr. Abdullah Ali, M.Sc., Dr.. M. Basyah Ali Amin, MA., Prof.. Dr. Dayan Dawood, MA., Prof.. Dr. Abdi A. Wahab, M.Sc. and now under the leadership of Prof. Unsyiah. Dr. Darni M. David, M.A