Friday, June 10, 2011

History of the University of Padjadjaran

Universitas Padjadjaran was established on the initiative of community leaders in West Java who want a college where young men and women in West Java to obtain higher education to prepare future leaders.

After a series of processes, on 11 September 1957, Padjadjaran University was formally established by Government Regulation No. 37 year 1957, and inaugurated by President Soekarno on 24 September 1957.

At the beginning of the Padjadjaran University has 4 faculties, and now has grown to 16 faculty and graduate programs. Programs offered include a doctoral degree Unpad (S3) consists of 9 courses, master degree (S2) consists of 19 courses of study, 2 program specialist, 5 professional programs, and programs stratum I (S1) consists of 44 courses, Diploma Program III (D3) consists of 32 courses and Diploma IV (D4) consists of a course of study. Padjadjaran University also has a Research Institute and Community Service (LPPM) as a container for managing research activities and community service.