Monday, May 16, 2011

History of the University of Gajah Mada

Kotabaru SMT Building, January 24, 1946, seemed full of visitors. They are people who have a high commitment to the enhancement of human dignity Indonesia. Among them teriihat Mr. Boediarto, Ir. Marsito, Prof. Dr. Prijono, Mr. Soenarjo, Dr. Soleiman, Dr. Buntaran, Dr. Soeharto. They intend to set up Center of Private Universities in Yogyakarta.
During the meeting, Mr. Soenarjo, asserted that in Jakarta, NICA has established the University. The Indonesian nation must not fail to establish a university. "Especially now, at the time of development, when we need a variety of science," added Mr. Soenarjo.

Meeting in the top followed by several subsequent meeting, one of which is meeting at the House of KNI Malioboro, March 3, 1946. In this meeting, announced the establishment of Center of Gadjah Mada University, which consists of the Faculty of Law and Faculty of Literature.

in this meeting, announced the establishment of Center of Gadjah Mada University, which consists of the Faculty of Law and Faculty of Literature
With the establishment of Central University of Gadjah Mada University, then in the year 1946 there are two universities in Yogyakarta. The other is the Technical High School, which stood on 17 February 1946. Technical High School is a business revival Technical High School in Bandung, which was forced to close because of the atmosphere of war between Indonesia and the allied forces among its leaders, there was a Prof. Jr. Rooseno and Prof. Ir. Wreksodhiningrat.itulah why students of the Faculty of Engineering of Bandung to continue her studies and her test engineer at the Technical High School in Yogyakarta.
After the invasion of the Netherlands to Yogyakarta, 19 December 1948, the two colleges above forced to close. The lecturers and students choose to struggle against the Dutch rather than continue the teaching-learning process. But. college equipment properly maintained by the students.
Klaten is of course different from the Klaten in 1946. Striking difference is a matter of higher education. Now Klaten has no college. However, Klaten in 1946 was a city of education. here stand, among other College of Medicine (established March 5, 1946), College of Veterinary Medicine (established 20 September 1946), College of Pharmacy (established 27 September 1946), and Agricultural High Pergurutan (stand 27 September 1946).
Why Klaten selected as the establishment of several universities? He replied. because Klaten is located in the hinterland. Major cities such as Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya no longer possible to carry out higher education. Therefore, the three cities are often bombed by allied troops. Indonesian fighters in the three cities will not stay silent. They also strike back ally. As a result, the three city into a battlefield.
Another reason is, the supporters and the Institute Pasteur's laboratory. Provided by the Hospital Laboratory Tegalyoso. Meanwhile, the Pasteur Institute in Bandung, after it is taken over by the Indonesian people from the hands of Japan, 1 September 1945, moved to Klaten (One who joined the institute is Prof. move. Dr. M, Sardjito).
College life in Klaten more intense with the establishment of Fak. Dentistry beginning in 1948. This lasted until December 19, 1948, when the Dutch stormed into the area of ​​the Republic of Indonesia.
Seven months before the invasion of the Netherlands into the Republic of Indonesia, precisely the beginning of May 1948, the Ministry of Education and Culture is already set up the Academy of Political Science in Yogyakarta. The Academy stands at the proposal of the Ministry of Interior, which is to educate prospective employees of the Department of the Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Dep. Lighting.
When standing, the Academy of Political Science was led by prof. Djokosoetono, SH Some employees Dep. The Interior who studied here, among others: Djumadi lsworo, Soempono Djojowadono, Irnan Soetikno, Bambang Soegeng Wardi and Dradjat. Unfortunately, age is not old academy. After PKI Madiun uprising erupted in September 1948, the academy was abandoned his students. They come quell the rebellion and rebuild the damage that occurred. So this academy was forced to close.
If on top of the tell that the universities are forced to close in Klaten and Yogyakarta is a university that already operate, in Solo there are colleges that have been opened had to cancel inaugurated. Namely: Education Hall of Jurists. College was established 1 November 1948, as a result of cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Justice.

Simultaneously, the Committee on the Establishment of Private Universities Solo, led by Drs. Notonagoro, SH, Koesoemadi, SH and Hardjono, SH, is also planning the establishment of the High School of Legal Affairs
Simultaneously, the Committee on the Establishment of Private Universities Solo, led by Drs. Notonagoro, SH, Koesoemadi, SH and Hardjono, SH, is also planning the establishment of the High School of Legal Affairs. The committee suggested that Specialist Education Law Center have merged with the High School of Legal Affairs. At least for efficiency. This proposal, apparently, accepted the government. Buktinva, Government Regulation no. 73 of 1948 mentioned that the Institute for Education Law Expert incorporated into the High School of Legal Affairs.
According to Prof. Dr. M. Sardjito, Solo Affairs Law School will be inaugurated on December 28, 1948. However, nine days before the inauguration, the Netherlands has stormed into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. What may make, the struggle against the Dutch is a priority. As a result, this high school and had withered before menguntum before officially disbanding.
Not much to remember exactly when the idea arose to combine several universities struggle (This title, given by prof. Ir. Herman Johannes) mentioned above into a college. But, according to Prof. Dr. M. Sardjito, dated May 20, 1949, a meeting of Higher Education Committee, Hall Kepatihan Yogyakarta. The meeting was chaired by Prof. Dr. Soetopo, with members of the meeting, among others, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, Prof. Dr. M. Sardjito, Prof. Dr. Prijono, Prof. Ir. Wreksodhiningrat, Prof. Ir. Harjono, Prof. Sugardo and Slamet Soetikno, SH One result of the meeting are: several members of the meeting agreed the establishment of college back in the republic, namely Yogyakarta. Those who are willing to Prof. Ir. Wreksodhiningrat, Prof. Dr. Prijono, Prof. Ir. Harjono and Prof. Dr. M. Sardjito.
The main difficulty encountered by Professors tersest above in re-establishing the college in Yogya is no room for the lecture. Fortunately Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX willing to lend the palace and several buildings around the palace to the lecture hall. The main problem was solved. After that, other preparations had matured.
Efforts of the professors are finally bearing fruit. November 1, 1949, in the Duchy of High Peguruan Complex, Yogyakarta, stand back Faculty of Dentistry and Pharmacy, Faculty of Agriculture., And the Faculty of Medicine. The opening was attended by three faculty Bung Karno. In this opening, according to Prof. Dr. M. Sardjito, held a meditation for professors and students who have been killed in the war against the Netherlands, namely: Prof.. Dr. Abdul Rachman Saleh, Ir. Notokoesoemo, Roewito, Asmono, Hardjito and Wurjanto.
The next day, November 2, 1949, FakultasTeknik turn, the Academy of Political Science and a few faculty who are under the auspices of the Foundation Center of Gadjah Mada University is inaugurated. Yogyakarta City was again rife with college students.

The next day, November 2, 1949, FakultasTeknik turn, the Academy of Political Science and a few faculty who are under the auspices of the Foundation Center of Gadjah Mada University is inaugurated.
A month later, on December 3, 1949, Faculty of Law also opened in Yogyakarta. Faculty are moving Affairs Law School Solo. People who are instrumental in this transfer is Prof. Drs. Notonagoro, SH
Not easy to find information on why the date of 2 November 1949 are not directly founded a university that could overshadow three faculty who stood at the time. In addition to those involved with the establishment had died, documentation owned Gadjah Mada University (UGM) never mention it. It is natural that then needs to be suggested to GMU to search for those reasons. At the very least to improve the history of the establishment of the University of Gadjah Mada.
However, operation of return above 8 faculty since November 1, 1949, led to the birth of UGM, 19 December 1949. This date was chosen, as it is called Bung Karno. is to show the outside world that the Indonesian people could rise up, despite all-out attack by the Netherlands, December 19, 1948, in other words, December 19, 1949 was chosen to remove stains December 19, 1948.
At the time of its establishment, according to Regulation No. Pcmerintah. 23 of 1949, GMU has six faculties, namely: (1) Faculty of Engineering (in it including the Academy of Sciences and Academy Measure Teacher Education Section of Natural Science and of Science), (2) Faculty of Medicine in it, including the Pharmacy, and Dentistry section Teacher Education Academy of Chemistry and limu Hayat, (3) Faculty of Agriculture in there dalamya Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, (4) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, (5) Faculty of Law, in which there is the Academy of Legal Expertise, Expertise Economic and Notary, Academy of Political Science and Academy Teacher Education Section constitutional, Economics and Sociology, and (6) Faculty of Literature and Philosophy in which there is the Literary Academy of Teacher Education.
At the time of the inauguration of the founding of UGM, Prof.. Dr. M. Sardi. Ito set as President of the GMU. At the same time also established the Senate and the Board of Curators UGM UGM. Regarding the latter, its staff consisted of a chairman (Honorary Chairman is Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, while the Chairman is Sri Paku Alam VIII, vice chairman and members. It raises the notion that when UGM was born, he was ready to continue the struggle, namely to increase the dignity Indonesia's human.
From the history of the struggle to establish a series of UGM on top, it's not excessive if concluded that the establishment of UGM is an attempt to continue the struggle. This should be a handle for the entire academic community GMU
Source:"Establishing the struggle Riwajat Gadjah Mada University and other universities Just About the Inonesia" by prof. Dr. M. Sardjito, "struggle, Gadjah Mada University and Other Higher Education In Physical Revolution" by Pro.f Ir. Herman Johannes, "Memory Book A quarter century of Gadjah Mada Univervitas 11 Leaves diredakturi by Drs. H. Nangtjik and Government Regulation no. 23 of 1949.


Gadjah Mada University

Gadjah Mada University was formally established on December 19, 1949 and is a national university. In addition, Gadjah Mada University also serves as carrier of Pancasila and the University of supervisors in Indonesia

At the time of its founding, the University of Gadjah Mada University has only six faculty, now has 18 faculty and a Graduate program (S-2 and S-3). Gadjah Mada University, including the oldest university in Indonesia, located on Campus Bulaksumur Yogyakarta. Most of the faculty in the University of Gadjah Mada University consists of several departments / sections and / or program of study. Gadjah Mada University activities set forth in the form of Tri Dharma College consisting of Education and Teaching, Research and Community Service.

Logos & Philosophy University of Indonesia

Coat of arms of the University of Indonesia was created in 1952 by Sumaxtono (Sumartono real name), 1951 Fine Arts students Force Faculty of Engineering University of Indonesia, Bandung.
The following tree branches and buds symbolize the tree of knowledge with the branches of science, while the bud is a time to bloom and become a new branch of science. The buds will continue to blossom over the main tree is alive. Thus, Sumaxtono would like to state that branches of science will evolve according to the needs and progress of the age.

Makara which symbolizes the flow of water that poured out in all directions. Meaning given Sumaxtono is the University of Indonesia as a source of knowledge, will produce graduates who are intelligent, skilled and pious, virtuous, and personality, as well as being open, responsive to changes and advances in science and technology and the problems faced by society, and able to resolve it in accordance with academic rules, no matter where they are located.

The design follows the design shown by Sumaxtono meaning to Srihadi (Arts students FT-UI, Bandung Force 1952) in 1952. Prof. KRHT H. Srihadi Soedarsono Adhikoesoemo, M.A. - who is also the creator of the symbol of Bandung Institute of Technology - not knowing when and who endorse the UI symbol. What is certain is that the book covers University of Indonesia, Faculty of Engineering, Washington: Plan lessons for Year 1952-1953 (Printing AID, Bandung, 120 pp.) using the symbol of the University of Indonesia for the first time such as those made by Sumaxtono (without frame pentagon).

History of the University of Indonesia

From the perspective of substantive, the agency established by Government Decree No. 22 dated January 2, 1849 and further education began in January 1851 with the name: "Java Doctor School" (Doctor java school).

STOVIA closed in 1927 at the age of 75 years, as his successor, College of Medicine was established in 1927 complement the presence of four other high schools in several cities. The four schools include the College of Engineering at Bandung (1920), School of Law in Batavia (1924) and the College of Letters and Culture in Batavia (1929).
 In 1950 through a series of "tension" between the Nationalists with a Master's Professor of the Netherlands, Universiteit van Indonesie eventually changed its name to "University of Indonesia. " Higher Education has several faculty in several cities including Jakarta (Medicine, Law, Literature and Culture), Bandung (Technical), Bogor (Agricultural), Surabaya (Dentistry), and Napier (Economics).
In 2000 the University of Indonesia became one of Higher Education with the status of legal entity in Indonesia and this started the implementation of the idea of ​​autonomy of the campus that includes two terms as follows: First, the autonomy in terms of academic development. Second, is the autonomy of financial management. Autonomy gives space for the University of Indonesia to develop and play a fundamental role in the era of knowledge-based society.
In this regard the University of Indonesia as a "universe", should have the capacity to become the motor of civilization and humanity achieve "progress" are not neglected in the balance between academic orientation values ​​with morality and art. Thus, civilization, nation and humanity in this Republic in the future should be characterized by the creation of progress, civilization, prosperity, justice, peace, democracy, and balance and environmental sustainability.

Universitas Indonesia

Indonesia is a modern university campus, comprehensive, open, multi-cultural, and humanist who covers broad disciplines. UI is simultaneously always tried to be one research university or a leading academic institution in the world

. As a research university, the efforts of the highest achievements in the discovery, development and diffusion of knowledge regionally and globally always done. Meanwhile, the UI also deepen the commitment in its efforts in the field of academic
development and research activities through a number of disciplines that exist in their environment.

 UI founded in 1849 and is a representation of an educational institution with a history of the oldest in Asia. Has produced more than 400,000 alumni, the UI continuously continuing role of importance in national and world level. However the UI can not escape from its current mission into educational institutions of high quality, world standard research and maintain standards in a number of prestige international journals first.

 With a title as the country's best campus, the UI is actively developing global cooperation with many world-renowned universities. Several leading universities are now noted to have an agreement with UI include: Washington University, Tokyo University, Melbourne University, Sydney University, Leiden University, Erasmus University, Kyoto University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Australian National University, and National University of Singapore . In addition, the UI is also strengthening its partnership with several associations of education and research including: APRU (Association of Pacific Rim Universities) with a role as a board of directors, AUN (ASEAN University Network), and ASAIHL (Association of South East Asian Institution of Higher Learning).